Ahner's Greenhouse

When you purchase from Ahner’s, you are buying from a grower. We grow all of our plants in our own greenhouses and we are always looking for the best products in the industry to grow!

Container gardening is a great way for a gardener to express their own sense of style! It may be a beautiful moss hanging basket or a grouping of pots on the patio. Bright colors and a good combination of the perfect plants will give you a spectacular show for the any season. The popularity and versatility of container gardening is a trend that is sure to please any gardener–young or old!

What are gardeners looking for?

Color. Color. Color.

And what are the most popular colors?

1. Purple  2. Pink  3. Red  4. Blue  5. Yellow  6. Orange

Color is very important when picking your plants–you may even want to work with the color palette of your home!